Stress is Both Good and Bad ? The 3rd Law of Personal Energy

By Gerry Geneva

Stress gets a bad rap. Stress in fact is both good and bad. At its most basic level if you think about it, you?ll see that we don?t learn or grow without some element of stress. When we are forced beyond our comfort zone, in every area of life, we can see its then that we grow and progress.

However, when unchecked, when exposed to a chronic and unrelenting high level of stress, our body begins to break down.

Its important to note that?s we experience stress across all area of our life, be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. How we cope with stress has an incredible affect on how much energy we have. I?ve outlined several examples of how energy are connected.

Physical Stress - Working out your bicep is good, however, if you don't take a break and get some rest, you will damage the muscle causing yourself a lot of pain, and a reduction in your ability to lift heavy weight. Interestingly enough, many Olympic athletes lift weights only once a week or less because they know the importance of rest and renewal.

Mental Stress - Its common knowledge that the brain is extremely powerful. From mathematical analysis to creative thinking, you will see your performance increase dramatically, in addition to your energy levels, if you can learn to systematically give your mind the rest that it needs.

Keep this mind that some of the greatest thinkers of our time (i.e. Ford, Einstein, Edison, Churchill) were notorious for taking extended breaks in the middle of some of their biggest challenges. They found and often wrote about how when they took some time away from the challenge and gave themselves a break (in the form of naps, walks, socializing, etc), they came back with a different perspective, a clearer vision, and a deeper level of energy to solve the challenges of the day.

I?m not saying use this as an excuse to sleep all afternoon. And its a recommendation that you may not want to bring up with your boss, but the point is still relevant. Take more thought of your mental health. You mind is very powerful, but without the proper care and rest, it can be a tremendous energy drain.

Emotional Stress ? If you have gone through a trying experience such as the death of a loved one or anything equally challenging, you are very much aware that your emotions play a large part in how you feel everyday. Likely you?ve experienced the energy drain you feel after dealing with a difficult person, or having an intense argument with a loved one, or experiencing a devastating financial setback.

However, its not the experience itself that is most telling, but what we do about it. You?ll likely recall that many of the most accomplished people you can think of achieved great success only after excruciating setbacks. I won?t go into a lot of detail, but know that we can gain energy from some of the most trying times in our lives, instead of losing it. It?s a matter of managing emotional energy, as opposed to managing an emotionally stressful situation.

Spiritual Stress - By spiritual I don't necessarily mean your faith or religion, although that plays a part. What I mean by spiritual is the deep convictions each of us holds dear to our hearts. Are you being true to yourself in your career? Are you on purpose? Are you striving towards a goal or vision of the future you desire for yourself and your family?

Spiritual energy is one of the most pure and consistently dependable sources of personal energy that we can experience. By becoming more congruent with our deepest desires and our truest self we will find stores of energy we didn?t know we had.

In conclusion, its important to know that stress comes in both good and bad forms. If we can learn to harness all 4 sources of energy and correctly deal with all 4 types of stress, we will find that he have more personal energy that we thought possible in our lives. - 29964

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Feeling Grouchy In Your "Old Age?"

By Anju Mathur, M.D.

Feel like you're just getting old and life is getting you down? Too many aches and pains? Tired all the time? Well, maybe you are getting old, and there's nothing that can be done about your age, but certainly there is something that can be done to elevate your mood, give you more energy and alleviate those aches and pains.

Chronic fatigue syndrome often carries these symptoms, but with conventional medicine there's not much you can do about it. It's almost like saying, "Well, you're just getting old," or "it's all in your head."

You could see a sleep therapist and a dietitian and a physical therapist and a psychologist, and obtain very little or no results. These are the usual recommendations.

There are actual physical causes underlying chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic aches and pains and depression. What you eat will make a huge difference in how you feel. A diet high in saturated fats and refined vegetable oils will exacerbate pain, while the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and flaxseed oil will help alleviate it. Likewise, eating lots of refined carbohydrates will worsen your condition, whereas slow-burning carbohydrates (foods rich in fiber) give your body the sustained source of energy it needs.

Sometimes allergies arise later in life, and these can be tested for. Wheat and dairy are common offenders. Once you eliminate the offending foods, it will make a big difference in how you feel.

Neurotransmitter serotonin is a chemical produced by the body which regulates mood and a lack of this chemical makes one feel gloomy and cause other symptoms attributed to chronic fatigue syndrome. It also is associated with pain, and a lack of serotonin increases perception of pain.

By using natural supplements that increase serotonin levels, relief comes for pain and depression. St. John's Wort, SAMe and 5-HIP, all natural nutrients that boost serotonin, are much safer than psychiatric anti-depressant drugs because they do not carry with them the side effects. In addition, the natural remedies are backed by solid research (which prescription anti-depressants lack).

Many people have benefited with programs of diet and nutrients and supplements tailored for their own bodies and found new energy for life. No need to be a grouchy old man - or woman! - 29964

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The 1st Law of Energy - How To Activate All 4 Sources of Energy Within You

By Gerry Geneva

Plato once said that a physician can't properly treat a disease until he/she has had it. There is a bit of truth to that. I find that it is especially true when you talk about adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue. I work with people all the time who are always exhausted, yet they don't know what is wrong. After consulting with their doctor they don't feel any better because all the doctor recommended is eat better or exercise more. Although this advice is meaningful in some cases, a lot of the time is just not that helpful.

I was completely frustrated with my own doctor until I came across a realization that completely changed things for me.

My realization is what I have since deemed the first law of energy. It is that personal energy comes from a variety of sources not just the physical. Because energy is all around us and we are in fact energy beings, our bodies gain energy from a variety of different sources.

I know this sounds a bit new age for some people, but it is true. Just think for a minute about different situations you may have been in which you may have drawn in large amounts of energy.

Do you remember when your favorite team won the Super Bowl?

What about after the birth of a child? How did you feel?

Do you remember the sparks and excitement when you met your spouse?

What about how you felt after you completed a really difficult project?

Situations can create within us feelings of extreme energy and elation. And what's interesting is it may have had nothing to do with the amount of sleep you got the night before, or that you exercised the day before. You simply got energized from different modalities.

The first law of energy is that all 4 areas of our being can be tremendous sources of energy. These 4 areas are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. So, in trying to build our energy levels, we need to focus on all 4 sources in order to achieve maximum energy. - 29964

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3 Simple Tips To Getting A Rejuvenating, Energy Recharging, Rest

By Gerry Geneva

Are you waking up exhausted still? Maybe youve slept 10-12 hours and yet you still dont feel recharged? If this is the case then these 3 tips can help you get a more restful and energy recharging sleep.

One of the most frustrating things is waking up still completely exhausted. You might have slept for 8-12 hours but are still completely depleted upon waking up. If this is happening to you more than just every once in a while, these 3 tips will help you get the most out of your sleep once more.

You can learn a lot from this routine for newborns. If you are not in a natural circadian rhythm, you may not be getting the relaxing and deep sleep you need. This is why you feel drained when you wake up. In my experience, 7 out of 10 times, people will start seeing an immediate boost in energy from just taking the time to create a deliberate nighttime routine.

Second, limit the amount of sugar and caffeine you take in. The Starbucks generation type living is running down our bodies at an alarming rate. Studies now clearly show that caffeine and sugar are not reliable sources of energy. Yet we act like its our only source. If you need coffee to get going in the morning, you may be relying too heavily on caffeine for your energy. The only problem is when it wears out you may dip into a fatigue lull or valley. Get your energy from reliable sources " proteins, carbs, etc. something that will give you that staying power throughout your day.

Furthermore, our cortisol rise and fall throughout the day. This is an important part of our biological rhythm. When we ingest caffeine or sugar we are artificially stimulating our bodies to produce more cortisol. While this occurrence on an occasional basis isnt all that harmful, a continued constant pressure on the adrenal glands to produced more and more cortisol can lead to a condition known as adrenal fatigue. If you develop adrenal fatigue you will severely compromise your energy levels for the long term, making it difficult for you to get rest from your sleep, as well as feel sustained and energized during the day.

The third and final tip is to clean up your bedroom. I know its a very unusual tip to increase your energy levels but stay with me. All you need to do is try it and you will start to notice a difference. Have you ever had a big mess in your living room or kitchen and finally you got fed up with it enough to clean it. Once you were done and you saw the result, how did you feel? If you paid close attention to you body at that point, you may have experienced a form of reliefstress relief.

It is a common belief that we gain energy not only from what we put into ourselves, but also from the environment in which we spend time. If your environment is wrecked and always cluttered, it makes us feel wrecked and cluttered in our lives. Whats more interesting is this is especially true for environments that are close to us like the bedroom. The bedroom is considered to be a very private and a place that is close to your heart. Not surprisingly we are affected most by people and things that are most close to us. If our bedroom is cluttered, it impacts us emotionally and can reveal itself as emotional stress whether we know it or not.

Furthermore, psychologists say that the thoughts you have before drifting off to bed at night and the ones you have when you first wake up are the most important of the day. By clearing up the clutter in your bedroom and life, you will surely have better, more positive, and happier thoughts getting in and out of bed. This tip is a difficult one for people to grasp, but if you just try it and then pay close attention to your energy levels, you will notice a surge of energy coming from such a small choir. Clean your bedroom and then keep it clean. It is worth it.

By developing a nighttime routine, watching the caffeine and sugar you put into your body, and by cleaning up the clutter in your lives, especially in the bedroom, you are sure to see positive personal energy flow into your life. - 29964

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The 2nd Law Of Personal Energy: Your Natural Energy Levels

By Gerry Geneva

Life, like energy has a cycle. The trick is to identify these rhythms and maximize them if you want to have sustainable energy. Let me explain.

Everyday we expend energy to get some form of work done. We need to work, then we need to refuel. Most of us have had the experience where for one reason or another we skipped lunch. We went against the cycle, and likely we felt the consequences of that by becoming irritable, lethargic, and mentally unclear.

All of us can stand to get a little better at listening to our bodies. It knows what it needs but often we try to act like we know better.

People often ask me to give specifics. Ok. Consider the most common rhythm we have, the Circadian rhythm. This is the rhythm that controls our sleep and wake cycles. For most people this rhythm oscillates between 8 hours of sleep and 16 hours of being awake (this varies slightly among people).

But what most people are not familiar with is the Ultradian rhythm. This is another biological clock within us but this one controls a different cycle. The Ultradian rhythm is about every 90-120 minutes, it varies depending on several factors. What it controls though is the level of energy you feel. Have you ever noticed that every 90-120 minutes or so you start to feel a little tired, hungry, bored, unable to concentrate, and maybe even a little anxious. Your Ultradian rhythm is responsible for that and its telling you that you need a break.

What our body wants is for us to get up, walk around and completely disconnect from the task at hand. It is craving recovery. You should walk away from your desk and do something completely unrelated to what you were doing for about 10 to 15 minutes. You should also at this point, refuel physically a bit by drinking some water and eating either a fruit or a vegetable, something real light that will give you a quick charge.

That is what you should do, but what we normally do is quite the opposite. We try to force ourselves to break through the tiredness. We go get a cup of coffee or a caffeinated soda. We grab a donut or some sugar loaded cookie or cake. What we are doing is trying to get our energy level up by putting some pretty terrible chemicals into our bodies. And don't even mention the energy drinks that have become so wildly popular.

All you need to do is Google "side effects of caffeine and sugar" to get more details on what these chemicals do to your overall health and specifically your energy. I won't go into it here because there is a lot of information out there about it already. But just know that it is going against Mother Nature by trying to prop up your energy by ingesting unnatural stimulants, and there are always consequences to that.

The good news is with a little effort, you can get your energy back and perform at your maximum energy potential. Here are a couple quick tips to get you on the road. First, buy a refillable water bottle and drink from that instead of coffee or soda. Second start bringing healthy snacks with you so you are not tempted by vending machines and sugary snacks. And finally, set a timer on your watch, cell phone, and/or computer to remind you to take a break. You'll need to experiment a bit to find your exact rhythm but with a little effort, you will quickly see a surge in the amount of energy you have to do everyday things. Good luck! - 29964

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Is Colon Cleansing Really Necessary?

By Maria McCafe

A majority of people who consider colon cleansing have constipation, candida, feel sluggish or are ailing in some way. Many health problems are related in some way to the colon. The colon directly as well as indirectly can have an effect on the other organs in your body.

When your colon gets clogged up, this can also inhibit your liver from working properly. If your liver isn't working properly, then that can affect your kidney. So to help your internal organs to stay healthy and function, the colon needs to be cleansed first.

These days are colons tend to be unhealthy and full of plaque and toxins. A colon that is clogged can result in constipation. All of this is a result of having a poor diet, making bad lifestyle choices, and be subjected to unhealthy environments.

Most of our diets contain too much protein. This can lead to us consuming too much acid which makes things hard on our colons and may end up depleting many of the necessary minerals and electrolytes from our bodies. The result could be that our colons may not have the ability to fight off unhealthy bacteria and toxins.

We also tend to overeat. Eating an excessive amount in one setting can also cause the colon to over work. We can end up over using enzymes when we overeat, which is another thing that causes our colons to over work.

Americans do eat a lot of processed foods, including junk food, cookies and cakes, which are foods that humans were never really meant to digest. Eating large quantities of processed foods may cause a buildup of plaque in our colons. Our poor diets can definitely play a big role in why colon cleansing may be required.

Our environment, with all of the unhealthy pesticides, chemicals and other pollutants also contribute to our colons becoming unhealthy. We all end up getting subject to these every day. This means our colons as well as our immune systems have to constantly over work to try to protect our bodies from these unhealthy chemicals and pollutants.

Colon cleansing can be quite beneficial for preventing and reducing health problems. It is not just good for eliminating constipation, but also for individuals who want to feel better, have more energy, and strengthen their colon and other internal organs. Colon cleansing can help with eliminating harmful toxins from your body that tend to accumulate due to our bad eating habits and environmental pollution, so is sometime that you might want to consider. - 29964

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Fat Guys and Energy Drinks

By James Richardsen

Have you ever turned your head at a restaurant only to see a fat guy wolfing down a big burger? Did it leave you a little less excited about what you just finished ordering? Or did it make you remember the diet you "resolved" to stick to? While I often have the same response, I feel it twice as bad whenever I see anyone guzzling down and energy drink. Many marketing dollars have been spent on these energy drinks to make us think they will help us "improve performance", "look and feel better", but the truth is pretty dire.

All it takes is a quick look at the ingredients to realize that if you are low in energy, the last thing you should put into your body is an energy drinkespecially if you are already 15+ pounds overweight like I was.

The number one reason to stay away from energy drinks is that they contain absurd amounts of sugar. Your typical Rockstar energy drink has 102 grams of sugar in just one can. According to the USDA, the recommended daily amount of sugar you are to consume is based on the total calories you consume during the day. For instance, if you are on a 1600 calorie diet daily, you are to consume no more than 22 grams of sugar per day. Ouch! A Rockstar will put you 4 times over the recommended daily amount... and that's just for a single drink. And if you are concerned about your weight, put this equation into your head. More sugar equals more weight.

Reason number two to avoid energy drinks like the plague is the amount and types of stimulants they contain. Although it varies depending on the brand and type of drink, typically you'll find uaranine, taurine, caffeine, and/or ginseng in these energy drinks. With a quick google search you'll find that large amounts of any of these chemicals has been shown to cause: seizures, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart palpations and insomnia among other side effects. And don't forget that each of these stimulants is considered extremely addictive.

You might be surprised to find out that France, Holland and Norway have banned Red Bull and other energy drinks because of the amount of caffeine in them. The ban was initiated after a 18 year old athlete died from drinking 4 cans of Red Bull.

The final reason to avoid energy drinks is that they put you at risk of dehydration because they are considered to be diuretics. What this means is they accelerate the rate at which urine is produced which in turn reduces the amount of water available to your body. Americans are already dangerously dehydrated as a nation as only 34% of people say that they drink the daily 64 ounces of water recommended by the USDA. Any nutritionist will tell you that 64 ounces is just a starting point and that the average person needs more water than this. Because fatigue is the first sign of dehydration, it is recommended that you monitor the amounts of fluids you are taking in if you feel chronically tired or weak. You may be interested to know that drinking more water is one of the little known quick cures for fatigue.

Since fatigue is the first sign of dehydration, nutritionists will tell you that if you are feeling tired and weak much of the time, the simplest and cheapest thing to try is to drink more water.

I sometimes watch these energy drink commercials and laugh to myself because they lead you to believe professional athletes drink this stuff nonstop. I can't imagine Kobe Bryant guzzling an energy drink and then feeling up for the game 7 final of the championship. Digging into the research further you'll find that drinking energy drinks while exercising is especially dangerous because the combination of sweating and the fact that energy drinks are diuretics leaves you dangerously exposed to dehydration.

Especially if you are trying to lose weight and get healthier, the best advise myself and any other energy expert out there could give you is put down the energy drink, and instead pick up a water bottle. You will have more energy, you will be more focused, and will see an increase in daily performance. - 29964

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Massage Chair Therapy Is Divine Relief For Fibromyalgia Symptoms

By Lisa Wetzel

Sometimes our bodies can just feel lousy, but most of the time its a pain here or an ache here and we get over it. This is not the case with fibromyalgia. Many patients report oscillating levels of discomfort and pain. It seems to most affect soft tissues like muscles, ligaments and tendons. Some sufferers may have periodic, mild stiffness. Others can have downright chronic pain. Depending on the patients situation, some are using massage chairs to help with stiffness and pain relief.

Pain relief has been sought throughout the ages. Massage has been the natural approach to pain to the muscles and soft tissues. Many of these age-old techniques have been replicated in massage chairs.

Some health professionals believe that the pain that fibromyalgia induces comes from an excess of lactic acid. Massage therapy has been found to significantly release the build up of this lactic acid. But to reduce the build up of lactic acid, massage therapy must be obtained on a continuous basis.

Getting periodic or frequent massages is hard for sufferers of fibromyalgia. This is where technology can be a blessing. Massage chairs provide a convenient and effective means to receive certain types of massage treatments.

Patients with fibromyalgia experience greater tenderness and soreness. Sometimes massages can be uncomfortable at first. The muscles are stiff and may ache. Massage therapy starts to work on the muscles to increase flexibility. This can sometimes be somewhat painful until some amount of flexibility is restored.

Flexibility needs to be restored to the muscles and other soft tissues. They are contracted which make them ache and become inflexible. Stretching can be a bit painful to start as you are undoing some of the aching muscles. Like anything new, take your time and go slowly.

Interestingly, many massage chairs have warm up routines and other techniques to help your body warm up. You can use a massage chair prior to stretching to warm up the body and get the blood flowing in you. Another option is activating stretching of the lower body or the arms and shoulders.

Another treatment that helps reduce swelling and enhance blood circulation is the application of heat. Massage chairs have built in heating elements allowing you to select where you would like heat to be applied. You can select one or multiple areas of your body to suit your needs at any time.

Some of the warning signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia include stiffness and pain in the joints and muscles throughout the body. There are certain tests that can help to determine if the person in fact suffers from fibromyalgia. Some physical examinations push certain pressure points are check for associated pain in that area. Always check with your doctor as to your conditions and specific remedies for your situation.

Having stiffness and aches is no way to live your life. Get ongoing relief and help rebuild your flexibility with a massage chair. The various treatments available in a massage recliner can be a huge benefit for those in need. Just having a reliable masseuse that you can activate when you need it is some the lifesaver you need. A massage chair goes to work on you when you push the button. - 29964

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The Secret To Stop Being "Tired And Wired"

By Gerry Geneva

The constant barrage of stress eventually takes its toll on us. In our fast paced and hectic lives we end up exhausted and gasping for breath. It seems the old set of stress management techniques no longer works; we need to instead focus on energy management.

Our generation in particular is facing increased difficulties. That's not to say that those that came before us faced only good times. But things are quite a bit different, and because of these different challenges, we need a different set of skills to face them.

Look at technology alone. Sure it brings to us tremendous advantages, but at the same time it brings increasing stress over a constantly ringing cell phone, an unending string of emails, and the luring distraction of the internet. Even just deciding what to watch of TV can be a challenge because of the abundance of choice. These challenges are just piled on to the already existing challenges of work, school, kids, school activities, bills, etc.

The first tip is to learn to work in smaller, more focused chunks of time. It's too easy to get sucked into this constant sort of "grey zone" work all the time. You know the type where you are kind of a zombie and just get through your day.

The typical workday may start at 9:00 in the morning and end at 5:00. Often phone calls and emails start the day earlier and end the workday later. Instead of sitting down at your desk and doing a marathon through the day, you might consider breaking your day into small chucks of 90-120 minute blocks of time. Focus for 90 minutes then take a 10-15 minute break where you completely disengage. You will start to feel your energy levels surge.

The second tip is to develop rituals, particularly a nighttime bedtime ritual. Rituals get us into state through a variety of physical and mental actions. Think about a professional basketball player getting ready to step onto the court, or a concert pianist about to take the stage. What are your rituals to get you out of the "work" state and into the nighttime "I need to rest" state?

Just like it's critically important to take the time to get into state, its also important to get out of state. You can't stay in high performance state for too long or you burn out. To translate that into our lives, think of how you get in and out of state. Do you even get out of state ever? Are you bringing your laptop to bed or talking business in the bedroom? We need to learn to unplug.

If you take a moment and develop a nighttime ritual, a deliberate set of steps to instruct your body that it is now time for bed, you will notice an immediate difference. Eat a snack, read a book, listen to some soothing music, dim the lights, turn off the TV. You need to instruct your body that it is now time for rest.

Any parent knows what happens to a child that has missed its window of opportunity to get a nap in. The child may transform from an otherwise delightful and playful kid into an absolute terror. Often they become very cranky, whinny, difficult to deal with, even mean. And to make matters worse, even though all they need is a nap, it becomes harder and harder to get to sleep.

As adults we face the same thing. Often we push ourselves too hard, to far past our "window of opportunity" for rest. We then complain that we have sleep problems, or that we aren't getting rejuvenated from our rest. However, the challenge in most cases is not "sleep problems", its that we don't know how to listen to our bodies and get to sleep.

Adrenal fatigue syndrome is showing up more and more in health media. It has been called the "21st century stress syndrome" by experts and occurs when our adrenal glands get overworked. Even with their extremely small size relative to other organs, our adrenals are responsible to how we feel, and the energy stores we have to use. If they get overworked, you will start to feel lethargic and lacking in energy.

If you find yourself constantly tired and wired and can't seem to recharge even from a good nights rest you may be experiencing adrenal fatigue. However, the cure for it is to learn to manage your energy levels and do more adrenal/energy building activities. I promise you, you won't regret it. - 29964

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Anxiety Symptoms

By Kandrick Mheelon

Anxiety is the body's acute response to a perceived stress or danger. It can now and again be helpful in preparing the body for action, and in many situations can actually improve performance. It becomes a problem when within a person's daily life it persistently interferes, and can then be totally debilitating. These two symptoms can be fellow bed mates and can often occur together.

Anxiety symptoms are extremely common - everybody experiences them from time to time. Specific anxiety disorders or illnesses are also not as rare as you might think, being present in around 5 per cent of the population at any time, but what are the symptoms of anxiety? Anxiety can be experienced in a number of different ways. Psychological symptoms * Inner tension. * Agitation. * Fear of losing control. * Dread that something catastrophic is going to happen, such as a blackout, seizure, heart attack or death. * Irritability. * Feelings of detachment, as if being trapped in a bubble separate from the world. Physical symptoms * Racing heart beat (palpitations). * Breathing fast, feeling short of breath or finding it hard to 'get breath'. * Chest tightness. * Dry mouth, butterflies in the stomach, feeling sick. * An urge to pass urine. * Tremor. * Sweating.

There is a very common and frightening symptom of anxiety which affects many people with anxiety, called "over breathing"(or Hyperventilation Syndrome). Sometimes both patients and doctors think that this is a serious medical illness, which is understandable as it can include the symptoms of such things as epilepsy or even a heart attack. People normally begin to experience very shallow and rapid breathing during hyperventilation and it can be caused sometimes for no obvious reason. People can experience physical symptoms such as tingling in the fingers and around the mouth with light-headedness (and ultimately fainting) followed by rapid and shallow breathing due to changes to the chemistry of the body.

We can associate the feeling of anxiety with certain fears, but what is Fear? * We can be afraid or worried about a possible or potential situation or event; "I am afraid of his/her nasty temper". * We can be afraid or scared of something; "I am afraid of dark places!" * We can be sorry about something we have or havent done; "Im sorry that I forgot about your birthday ". Much of the feeling of anxiety can be associated with certain fears, but what is Fear? * Emotions experienced during a time of danger can result in something known as the fight or flight syndrome. * We can be uneasy or afraid about something; "I fear the operation I need to have" * It can be a feeling of profound respect for someone or something; "the fear of God for instance". We can explain fear quite simply by the using following acronym: False Evidence Appearing Real. Sometimes the reason for our anxiety can be due to the fact that we have perceived a threat as being real, and this has sent our senses into an explosive take off mode, causing us to become anxious or in extreme cases bringing on a panic attack. Some say that this is merely fear of the unknown, i.e. we have experienced something that we have never done before (flying for instance) and we interpret this as a danger, causing us to over react. Another reason for our fear could be due to rejection (being turned away by a loved one for instance).

The sufferer of anxiety can sometimes the feeling of not fully breathing out, due to a disjointed pattern of breathing, and thus experience the feeling of a tight chest. Although these symptoms are not normally medically dangerous, they are nonetheless very frightening, which in turn causes an increase in anxiety which then becomes vicious circle. There is fortunately a simple treatment for this symptom, which is to breathe in and out of a paper (not polythene) bag for a short time, which reverses the chemical changes caused by this over breathing. Learning how to relax should however be the ultimate goal in the treatment of the underlying cause of the anxiety. - 29964

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