Plato once said that a physician can't properly treat a disease until he/she has had it. There is a bit of truth to that. I find that it is especially true when you talk about adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue. I work with people all the time who are always exhausted, yet they don't know what is wrong. After consulting with their doctor they don't feel any better because all the doctor recommended is eat better or exercise more. Although this advice is meaningful in some cases, a lot of the time is just not that helpful.
I was completely frustrated with my own doctor until I came across a realization that completely changed things for me.
My realization is what I have since deemed the first law of energy. It is that personal energy comes from a variety of sources not just the physical. Because energy is all around us and we are in fact energy beings, our bodies gain energy from a variety of different sources.
I know this sounds a bit new age for some people, but it is true. Just think for a minute about different situations you may have been in which you may have drawn in large amounts of energy.
Do you remember when your favorite team won the Super Bowl?
What about after the birth of a child? How did you feel?
Do you remember the sparks and excitement when you met your spouse?
What about how you felt after you completed a really difficult project?
Situations can create within us feelings of extreme energy and elation. And what's interesting is it may have had nothing to do with the amount of sleep you got the night before, or that you exercised the day before. You simply got energized from different modalities.
The first law of energy is that all 4 areas of our being can be tremendous sources of energy. These 4 areas are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. So, in trying to build our energy levels, we need to focus on all 4 sources in order to achieve maximum energy. - 29964
I was completely frustrated with my own doctor until I came across a realization that completely changed things for me.
My realization is what I have since deemed the first law of energy. It is that personal energy comes from a variety of sources not just the physical. Because energy is all around us and we are in fact energy beings, our bodies gain energy from a variety of different sources.
I know this sounds a bit new age for some people, but it is true. Just think for a minute about different situations you may have been in which you may have drawn in large amounts of energy.
Do you remember when your favorite team won the Super Bowl?
What about after the birth of a child? How did you feel?
Do you remember the sparks and excitement when you met your spouse?
What about how you felt after you completed a really difficult project?
Situations can create within us feelings of extreme energy and elation. And what's interesting is it may have had nothing to do with the amount of sleep you got the night before, or that you exercised the day before. You simply got energized from different modalities.
The first law of energy is that all 4 areas of our being can be tremendous sources of energy. These 4 areas are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. So, in trying to build our energy levels, we need to focus on all 4 sources in order to achieve maximum energy. - 29964
About the Author:
Gerry Geneva is a personal energy consultant who operates the site, a site that specializes in helping those suffering from low energy and fatigue. helps you to increase your energy levels through natural techniques by focusing on your fitness physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. All 4 areas have tremendous energy consequences.